From: Diane Anderson Subject: Re: A LITTLE BIG MAN DIED YESTERDAY/SOME COULD NOT OPEN To: "zippo smith" Date: Saturday, November 10, 2012, 4:09 PM

Zippo, I would just like to thank you. You and the others in Charlie Co. were Daddy’s family. Your account of my dad only confirms to me why he had such a high regard for you. As Larry’s step-son and a veteran, I understand the bond that has been held among all the members of Charlie Co. It is a bond that transcends space and time. It is eternal. I would like to share with you a short message that I plan to present at Daddy’s funeral. I hope it will honor him at least half as much as your words do.

Larry Joseph Sonnier 7/8/1951 – 11/8/2012

It has been told that when a Spartan Warrior was leaving home for battle his mother would tell him “Come home with your shield, or on it.” What this meant, if he should survive the battle, the warrior was not cowardly and didn’t throw his shield aside and run from the battle. It also meant that he would have the strength to endure the battle and still be able to carry home his armour. If he was carried home on his shield, then he was valiant in battle, and those he stood beside honored him.

My Dad was the warrior that a Spartan mother would have been proud of. When he returned from battle he was carrying his shield. He carried the outward scars of battle, with a shield that was tried and proven worthy. That shield, was a shield of Faith. In all my years of growing up, Daddy quoted from Psalms 23:4 “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil…” There should be no doubt in the minds of anyone present he had no fear. For some warriors, the end of the war is not the end of the war. Sadly to say, some warriors continue to fight battles. Though there is no enemy to be seen, the conflict remains. This was the reality that my Dad lived. This reality was not the total sum of his life. There were many happy and joy filled times. Daddy had a broad and deep sense of humor. He was confident and humble. He was strong with his sons, and tender with his grandchildren. He was proud of his family. Even for some that gave little reason to be praised, He could find something to speak highly of them. He was a friend to many. Even with all the joys that life brings, there remained the underlying conflict within him.

So, what is the reward for a soldier, or is there even a reward to be had? I know that my Dad finally found that reward. He found the second half of Psalms 23:4. He found “…for Thou art with me: Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me.” And it is because my Dad has been able to complete that verse, the entire reward of Psalm 23 is his. So now that he is carried to his eternal Home, on his shield of faith, I rejoice in knowing that Daddy’s battles and conflicts are over. He is no longer in the valley, but high above with the Father. In closing, my wife Diane and I both want to thank you and the others from Charlie Co. for coming to “Io-way”. It was truly our honor and privilege to meet the men that Daddy called brothers. It was particularly special for us to meet you. We certainly share that same respect for you that your men have. It would be absolutely impossible to have a memory of Daddy without it in some way bringing us to a thought of you. Your influence will forever be with us, as it was with Daddy.

Proud Son of Larry “Lil Tex” Sonnier, Jimmy Anderson